• Last modified 2292 days ago (Jan. 25, 2018)


january 23, 1908

Next Wednesday, January 29, is the 47th anniversary of the admission of Kansas into the Union and the ladies of the M.E. church have planned to celebrate with a chicken pie dinner served at the noon hour. Kansas grown and adopted sons and daughters have many times voted her the best state in the Union and here is an occasion to come together and have a jolly good time. At the supper hour they will make a specialty of hot biscuits and honey. And doesn’t that sound good!

The building on Main Street, belonging to Mrs. S.R. Johnson that was damaged by fire last fall is being repaired, lathed and plastered. A.F. Jackson will move the laundry machinery into the rooms when completed.

Mr. W.K. Palmer, the genial superintendent of the poor farm, who met with a painful accident recently, breaking three ribs, is getting along so nicely that he was able to come to town Monday. We were glad to see him.

The weather, to date has not been very encouraging for the ice men, but don’t you know, we have been enjoying this Colorado climate, so thoroughly, we forgot to worry about the ice man.

A special feature at the rink on Monday evening was a race between C.H. Wheelock and Alfred Matzes. They circled the room twenty-three times, making the course about a mile in length. A lively interest was shown in the contest in which both boys showed great skill in swift skating. Matzes coming out the victor.

Last modified Jan. 25, 2018