• Last modified 2315 days ago (Jan. 3, 2018)


january 2, 1908

1908 is the first leap year in eight years! The Probate Judge will have no cause for complaint this year on account of dullness in the matrimonial department.

The state game warden sent County Clerk Woolheater ten pairs of Hungarian partridges to be set at liberty in Marion County. The instructions were to keep them in one locality and, as Dallas Rogers has an ideal place, Earl took them out Tuesday to give them a chance. Woe betide the man who disturbs those Hungarian partridges.

The High School Basket Ball team was defeated by a score of 31 to 10 in a game with Peabody H.S. team Wednesday night. The two teams will meet again in the skating rink in Marion January 10. Some who went from here to witness the game were Robert Florer and wife, Carl Sheldon, Vinnie Wible, Leslie Bryan, Justice Evans, Fred Oyer, and Leslie Pierce.

B.B. Reimer rejoices in the arrival of a girl at his home Monday. She has five big brothers to care for her besides pa and ma.

The skating rink is drawing large crowds of young people and older ones also. There are a number of good skaters, and a number who expect to be. Tuesday night the band furnished music, and many stayed and watched the new year in. There have been several slight accidents, but they have not dampened the ardor of those desirous of learning the art.

Last modified Jan. 3, 2018