• Last modified 2081 days ago (Sept. 6, 2018)


september 10, 1908

W.K. Palmer, superintendent of the poor farm, has the finest collection of Indian relics in this part of the country.

The Park hotel, recently moved south of the Santa Fe tracks, will be ready for occupancy by October 1st and will be used for a rooming house. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Baker will have charge.

The courthouse grounds are being leveled and seeded this week and it is one of the best pieces of work we have seen in many a day. F.W. Bowlby has charge of the job and that accounts for it.

G.F. Collett met with a painful and most unfortunate accident last Wednesday which lost him one finger and a thumb and seriously injured another finger. He was feeding boards into the little buzz saw at the Houston Shade Holder factory when the saw caught the middle finger of his right hand, ripping it off at the middle joint and sawing away into the index finger. In jerking it away the saw caught his thumb and took it of clean at the middle joint.

Mr. N.J. Schlingloff received Saturday from the Wishart & Burge Machine Works, Chicago, his first shipment of copy holders he recently patented. Mr. Schlingloff is about to start a vigorous advertising campaign calling attention of stenographers and typewriter users generally to his copy holder. He has a good thing and should make a success of it.

At the council meeting Monday night, the south side of the park was ordered cleaned, the Santa Fe notified to put in their part of sidewalk south from courthouse, and V.H. McMillen was granted license to operate a bowling alley.

Last modified Sept. 6, 2018