• Last modified 316 days ago (Dec. 7, 2023)


dec. 18, 1913

A number of ornamental light poles have been ordered. Four will be placed on the bridge, and several others at other places on Main St. They have three lights. The design selected is a very beautiful one. They are to be paid for by private contribution, already made.

And again, ladies and gentlemen, why doesn’t this town figure out some way to meet the conditions for getting a Carnegie library? All that is necessary is to meet the conditions. Andy is ready and willing. What better thing could the women’s organizations of Marion do, for instance, than to unite and get behind a movement of this kind?

Word was received a few days ago of the death of George Vogel. He and Mrs. Vogel went back to South Russia, their old home, a little more than two years ago to spend their last years there. Two of the sons, Rhinehard and Conrad Vogel, will leave for Russia, next week. The father had quite a little property in the old country, and they will settle up the estate and bring their mother back to Kansas with them.

Entertainment and a pie social last Friday at District 6 was quite a success. A large crowd attended. The crowd voted on the prettiest girl and the homeliest man. Each received a cake as prizes. Carrie Stenzel received one, and O.H. Richardson the other.

Last modified Dec. 7, 2023