• Last modified 2668 days ago (Jan. 11, 2017)


january 22, 1892

We call special attention of the ladies of Marion and vicinity to the card in to-day’s RECORD, signed by Mrs. Hanback and Mrs. Mitchell, of Topeka, requesting our ladies to meet them in the parlors of the Elgin hotel Jan. 26, 7:30 p.m. to talk over the part the women of Kansas are to take in the Kansas Exhibit at the World’s Fair at Chicago in 1893.

The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Sol Reed will regret to learn that they will probably move to Indiana in a short time, where Mr. Reed has been offered a lucrative and responsible position with a wholesale harness firm—his old line of business. They are excellent people, and the RECORD will be sorry indeed to see them leave here.

Frank Penland has just traded a cow for a colt. I do say even if Frank is blind, there are very few men who have as good judgment of a horse as he. He feels for every blemish and if there be one he will assuredly find it. If I was buying a horse, I would rather trust to Frank’s judgment than any man I can now think of.

Miss Dudley will return to Marion about March 20, after ten weeks in the Metropolitan College of Music of New York City. All persons desiring to study by the newest and best methods in piano, organ or harmony, please wait her return.

Last modified Jan. 11, 2017