• Last modified 2121 days ago (July 12, 2018)


july 8, 1948

Joseph Swan, Marion fire chief for the past 41 years, will be given a royal farewell and Fred Knackstedt will be inaugurated as the new chief at special Chamber of Commerce ceremonies next Tuesday at the Country Club house.

The district semi-pro tournament concluded Tuesday night with the presentation of trophies to teams and individuals. First place trophy went to Emporia, second to Marion, and third to Hillsboro. Clifford McFadden, Marion, received a trophy for most spectacular play and Irish Ireland, Marion, received two trophies, one for most valuable player and the other for best batting average.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Rotz, Florence, announce the opening of their new furniture store in Marion Saturday, July 10. Eddie Klose, Marion, has been employed and will work with them in their new store. They now own and operate a furniture store and mortuary in Florence.

Mrs. Edward Good was hostess at a party to celebrate the birthday of her sons. Bill was seven last week and Tommie was celebrating his fourth. Guests invited were Colleen Allen, Carolyn Merrill, Janet Stiller, Sylvia Herbert, Mary Sue Reh, James and Robert Melton, Dickie Wayne Varenhorst, Dickie Seifert, Jan Hayen, Jimmie Orvia, Keith Conyers, Greg Henry, and Jimmie and John Christensen. Miss Ruth Keller helped with the serving.

Last modified July 12, 2018