• Last modified 2292 days ago (Jan. 25, 2018)



This jail roster information was obtained Sunday from the jail’s inmate listing system:

Robert Scott Ayers, 43, Hillsboro, court commitment Jan. 12; released Jan. 14.

Jessica Blackburn, 35, Lehigh, jailed Saturday by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of domestic battery.

Kellie Cline, 41, Wichita, jailed Jan. 16 by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of felony theft, misdemeanor theft, and driving on a suspended license.

Thomas English Jr., 19, Hillsboro, jailed Friday by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of possession of hallucinogenic drugs; released the same day on $2,000 bond.

Kylie Finley, 20, Hutchinson, jailed Saturday by Peabody police on suspicion of possession of hallucinogenic drugs; released the same day on $1,000 bond.

Anthony Herpich, 19, Salina, jailed Sunday by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of possession of hallucinogenic drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia.

Conan Glickman, 47, Hillsboro, jailed Jan. 16 by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of identity theft and identity fraud; released the same day on $20,000 bond.

Seth Swedorski, 20, Hillsboro, jailed Friday by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of possession of hallucinogenic drugs; released the same day on $2,000 bond.

Dasan Wallace, 19, Salina, jailed Sunday by sheriff’s deputies on suspicion of possession of hallucinogenic drugs and possession of drug paraphernalia; released the same day on $2,000 bond.

Robert Wilson, 49, Marion, arrested Sunday by Marion police on suspicion of unlawful vehicle registration; released the same day on $500 bond.

from previous weeks

Todd Beneke, 33, Marion, jailed since Sept. 11.

Mark Elkins, 52, Moundridge, since Oct. 4.

Robert Findley, 31, Peabody, Dec. 15.

Matt Kangas, 33, Peabody, Oct. 10.

Hollie Kelle, 28, Caldwell, Dec. 15.

Zackary Nichols, 19, Wichita, Dec. 18.

Mark Sattler, 51, Newton, Dec. 6.

Dustin Shiplet, 30, Lawton, Oklahoma, Sept. 11.

Aaron Unruh, 39, Marion, Aug. 31.

Last modified Jan. 25, 2018