• Last modified 2334 days ago (Dec. 28, 2017)


Prayers for Chuck

To the editor:

As we count down the days until the end of the year and look toward 2018, I think we should all say a prayer for Marion resident Chuck Seifert. After all, he was a victim of a Marion High School student who “wanted to make a political” statement, with a rainbow of all things.

I mean, the sheer horror Mr. Seifert had to endure by driving past MHS and having to look at those bright colors is nearly unimaginable — no words, no pictures, just colors created by the God he says most likely opposes homosexuality. 

It’s funny because Mr. Seifert, who said in this very space in last week’s Record, that the parking space issue was “... one student wanting to push his personal agenda of his private lifestyle,” is actually the reason why this even became a months-long saga bringing embarrassment and shame to the city of Marion through both local and out-of-town media coverage.

Had Mr. Seifert not taken his pain and suffering public — and with malice — I doubt the rainbow would have even made a ripple. If he had picked up the phone and called the family of the student who painted the parking space and had an actual conversation with their son, who knows, maybe they both would have learned something about each other.

There is plenty of talk that today’s youth are spoiled rotten hipster millennials who care only care about themselves, skinny jeans, and avocados, but it was the elder Seifert who acted like a brat unable to convey his displeasure by any means other than pouting, making demands and allegedly parking his truck over the spot during Old Settlers’ Day.

In the meantime, the student has responded with dignity and a positive attitude despite being puzzled by the actions of a more mature — seemingly by age only — person.

Whether you agree with the rainbow, or the MAGA, weed, and Confederate flag spaces painted in years past (some of which were eventually removed) is not the point. The point is that Mr. Seifert was seemingly offended by a flag that represented unity and he wanted it removed. And they call millennials soft. 

I’m not a very religious person, but I do know Bob Priest was right when he, and I’m paraphrasing, wrote in this paper that Jesus says to love thy neighbor whether you agree with him or her or not.

Mr. Seifert, you would benefit from listening to Mr. Priest. Because believe it or not, that rainbow won’t make you or anyone else gay. God takes care of that.

Mike Norris, Marion

Last modified Dec. 28, 2017