• Last modified 50 days ago (Jan. 22, 2025)


jan. 28, 1915

Kansas: 54 years young and headed toward the stars.

George McKay, undersheriff, drew a prize package of luck the past week.

He received word from Emporia that he had won a Ford car in a guessing contest conducted by traveling men.

The car was delivered this week by Winkley Bros., Ford agents here. The car will “come in mighty handy” in connection with his official duties.

The class in agriculture at the high school will attempt to protect trees from webworms this spring. The class will charge for the cost of materials used.

The first step toward actual organization of a county Y.M.C.A. was taken last Friday afternoon when six or eight men, acting as a provisional committee, met with the state secretary, who has been doing much of the preliminary work in the county.

R.P. Smith is the new truancy officers. Teachers who have truancy cases will report to him.

Judge L.F. Keller, who has been confined to his home by sickness for several weeks, has been able to be downtown again the past week, and his friends are mighty glad to see him.

Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Stauffer had as guests of honor at a dinner party at their home Tuesday evening, Gov. and Mrs. Henderson Martin and Sibyl Martin. Other guests were Mrs. E.W. Hoch, the Rev. and Mrs. G.T. Nichols, Prof. and Mrs. St. John and Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hoch.

Last modified Jan. 22, 2025