110 years ago
feb. 11, 1915
All farmers within 10 miles of Marion are being called to a mass meeting Feb. 20 at the courthouse. The proposition of Cresent Creamery of Kansas City to locate in Marion will be discussed.
Wallace Magathan has passed a civil service examination and received an appointment in the Philippines. He expects to leave for there in a month or two. Another Marion boy thus is being heard from.
The Canada store was broken into by burglars last Saturday night. Quite a number of shoes, socks, overalls, and silk dress goods were stolen. Entrance was gained through one of the windows on the west side.
One of the robbers evidently cut his hand quite badly as there was considerable blood splattered about.
The safe, cash register and post office were not touched.
Mr. and Mrs. F.E. Frobenius and family are moving this week into a house recently purchased from Jack Scott just this side of the Santa Fe railroad on Santa Fe St.
Walter Stiller has resigned his position with Bessier’s Clothing. He and Mrs. Stiller will move to Lincolnville, where he will clerk in the Tiemeier store.
ADVERTISEMENT — Every man, woman, and child should be interested in the up-building of this community. You can help by talking, working, and boosting for the proposed milk condenser. Watch the paper for particulars. — Marion National Bank.
Last modified Feb. 6, 2025