• Last modified 241 days ago (June 13, 2024)


june 16, 1949

Frank M. Alley of Salem, Oregon, was in Marion several days last week “just looking over the old town and talking with several old-timers.” It had been 50 years since he left Marion. Alley’s mother ran a boarding and rooming house here before they left in the late 1890s.

Mrs. Alex Socolofsky entertained the Socolofsky-Case wedding party at dinner Saturday at Coons’ Restaurant. Places were laid for 24 guests.

Marion High School juniors Jim Fruechting, Bud Hannaford, and Max Merrill attended Boys State June 7 to 14in Wichita.

Kathryn Popp and Nora Zeller attended Girls State at Lawrence The girls report a fine time, with a highlight being a side trip to Topeka and tea at the governor’s mansion.

Mrs. Earl Hett, assisted by Donna Williams, entertained with a dinner June 9 in honor of Patsy Hett’s 17th birthday.

Guests were June Avery, Dorothy Adams, Vicki Barrett, Loretta Conyers, Joyce Keazer, Treva Kelsey, Lavere Metzler, Donna Miesse, Dolores Razor, Norma Sly, Virginia Wright, Darlene Zeller,

Lightning struck the chimney last Thursday noon at Lincolnville High School. It traveled down to the furnace and left a large hole in the roof.

Last modified June 13, 2024