• Last modified 234 days ago (June 20, 2024)


june 23, 1949

An ordinance calling for one-way traffic on the first blocks north of Main St. on 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Sts. was passed Monday night by the city commission.

Transaction was completed this week whereby C.H. Jarvis purchased the property of Marion Country Club from its original owners.

The club will continue as a club with golf course, swimming pool, and other features. Officers will remain the same. Membership in the club is $10 a year.

Flies, insects, and other germ carriers will again be sprayed in the downtown alleys of Marion.

Cockroaches, mosquitoes, chiggers, crickets, and the like are expected to die by the thousands when the Chamber of Commerce, Farm Bureau, and city commission gang up and join forces to spray the varmints.

The attractive, new office of physician C.R. Magee will open next week. Located at the foot of the Main St. hill and across from the city park, it is a decided asset to the appearance of Marion’s downtown business area.

Starting next week, a Marion school bus will be used to transport 51 Marion and Canada children to a Red Cross swimming program at the Herington pool.

Last modified June 20, 2024