• Last modified 50 days ago (Jan. 23, 2025)


division cases

This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.

Eddy M. Coe-Herrera, 38, Omaha, Nebraska, formally was charged Jan. 9 with possession of cocaine, criminal use of a weapon by an illegal alien, having no proof of insurance, driving without a valid driver’s license, and driving with expired or no registration.

David M. Ellis, 44, Hillsboro, formally was charged Jan. 9 with possession of a firearm while under the influence of intoxicants, having no proof of insurance, driving while under the influence, and unlawful operation of an all-terrain vehicle.

Amber M. Frame, 36, Salina, was sentenced Dec. 23 for theft by deception but former county attorney Joel Ensey did not file a sentencing document in court records.

A bench warrant was issued Dec. 12 for Rashilaca N. Mitchell for failing to appear in court.

A bench warrant was issued Jan. 14 for Tracy D. Resley for failure to appear in court.

Amanda R. Rutherford, 45, Hope, pleaded no contest Dec. 11 to theft and was sentenced to 30 days in jail. She also was ordered to pay $51.75 to TCT Broadband Solutions and unspecified court costs.

Bryan E. Smith formally was charged Jan. 9 with theft and fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement while operating a stolen vehicle.

A charge of driving while his license was suspended or revoked filed June 27 against Sean P. Van Cour was dismissed Dec. 20 by former county attorney Joel Ensey.

Thelma R. E. Wilson, 22, Newton, pleaded guilty and was sentenced Dec. 23 in two separate cases, but former county attorney Joel Ensey did not file documents that detail the charge or the sentence in court records.

Last modified Jan. 23, 2025