• Last modified 6 days ago (Oct. 9, 2024)


Harris far better

To the editor:

I am casting my vote for Kamala Harris. She is tougher, smarter, stronger, more caring, more capable, and a far better person than Donald Trump is.

Trump is 78 and would be 82 when he finishes his term if elected. He has increasingly started to mumble his words and rambles on without making any sense, failing to connect his sentences compared to the last time he ran for office. His age is showing.

New data shows that violent and property crime rates have dropped sharply in major cities since the COVID era, making the country a safer place.

Better gun control laws that prioritize safety of students would go a long way to help with mass shootings.

The world is controlled by so many factions that our president must work alongside other countries to counter the aggression of Russia, China and Iran.

Russia invaded Ukraine, killing thousands of Ukraine’s citizens. China tries to grab Taiwan and claim the South China Sea, a major trade route. Then there is the powder keg in the Middle East.

The United States is part of the global community. When our country adopted an isolationism policy before World War II, it contributed to the Great Depression by restricting trade with foreign countries.

The economy and jobs have grown under the present administration. The bipartisan infrastructure bill under President Joe Biden has benefited Kansas along with other states.

Congress failed to pass a Bipartisan immigration bill because of Trump’s inference. Tariffs Trump wants will drive up the prices and may cause another trade war, causing financial hardship for farmers like when Trump imposed tariffs when he was in office and had to spend massive amounts of taxpayer money to bail out farmers because he was afraid he would lose their votes.

He forgets that gas prices were lower at the end of his term because everyone was staying at home in the COVID pandemic.

After the pandemic, people started driving again and buying more goods, which caused inflation because of demand.

Trump plans to cut the tax rate on the wealthy again, increasing the tax burden on the middle class.

He has been spreading a barrage of lies and distortions about the federal response to Hurricane Helene resulting in criticism from Republican leaders in affected states.

A Republican mayor in Tennessee ripped into Trump for false claims.

Kansas overwhelmingly voted for the right to abortion in our state. Trump keeps flip-flopping on the issue and could pass a national abortion ban, which would do away with the right to abortion in Kansas and other states that have approved it.

Some in his party want to criminalize abortion with charges filed against women and doctors. Women in Kansas would be forced to suffer as women in Texas and other red states have with nowhere to turn.

If your morals permit you to vote for a man who says he would be a dictator on Day One and wants to put in prison those who oppose him, a convicted felon who calls women and the disabled names and makes fun of POWs like the late John McCain while espousing lies and making racist, unhinged, cruel, petty, vindictive remarks, that is your choice.

I am voting for an intelligent woman, Kamala Harris, who has shown the character, courage and judgment to be the leader of the U.S.A.

Barbara Tajchman
Marion County Lake

Last modified Oct. 9, 2024